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Peanut - 5 lbs
Penut is so sweet and spunky.
She loves to play and does a whole body wiggle when excited.  
Manny - 5lbs

Manny has the sweetest expressive eyes.  He is smart and obedient.  He loves to

give kisses and is definitely

a Momma's boy.  He is shy

but incredibly loyal.  It takes him a while to warm up to people but once he does you will find him searching you

out for attention.

Manny stole my heart and is my little buddy.


Hildi 8 lbs

Hildi is a Parti Yorkie

and carries for traditional

and chocolate colors as well. 

She is very sweet and loving and will snuggle up right next to you and has the most fun personality. 

Leo - 5 lbs.

Leo is Belle and Manny's

last boy.  He has the best qualities of both his parents.  He is a Daddy's boy and follows him everywhere. 

He is a good little buddy. 

He is carrying on Belle's line.

yorkie, yorkshire terrier, yorkie puppies for sale, yorkies for sale in Georgia, yorkies for sale in Atlanta
©Copyright Belles Yorkie Babies
Belle  5 lbs

Belle is where it all started. 
She is sweet, smart, loving and independent.  
She is an amazing mom! 
She has a super cute quirk that puts a smile on our faces daily. 
Belle always seems to know
when I need some extra love
and those are the times she
seeks me out to give me
extra attention.

©Copyright Belles Yorkie Babies
©Copyright Belles Yorkie Babies

Marci  6 lbs

Marci is incredibly

sweet, loving and smart. 

She is always so excited to

see everyone.  She loves playing with her family, tummy rubs

and cuddling.  When she

needs extra attention she lets

us know by staring at us with

a pet me please look.

She is a great mom.

Bean 3 lbs
(not  for  sale)

Bean is the daughter of

Belle and Manny. 

She is 3 pounds of spunky love.  She is too small to breed but even though she is the smallest 

she is definitely the boss. 

She inherited her mom's cute quirk and her dad's loyalty. 

When we sit down, it's only a matter of seconds before she

is in our lap ready to cuddle up.  She brings tremendous 

joy to our family!

Follow us on Instagram to see more pictures  @bellesbabies
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